Prepositions, Over/Above

Prepositions, Over/Above
Prepositions, Over/Above



Prepositions are something that people have great difficulty learning even if you are an intermediate student. The most common prepositions are IN/ON and AT but today I would like to explain the difference between over and above.


over implies movement from one location or position to another:

They climbed over the fence.

I knocked over a glass of water.

above that function similarly imply only location, not movement:

We lay on our backs and looked at the clouds above.

You can write to us at the address shown above.


Both over and above can mean "at or to a place that is higher than someone or something," but over is somewhat more common:

A light hangs over/above the table.

He raised his arms over/above his head.

She rents an apartment over/above a bookstore.

Both can also mean "more than something":

I value time over/above money.

Both prepositions can also mean "more loudly and clearly than (another sound)," although again, over is more common:

I could barely hear the music over/above the noise of the crowd.


In measurements of temperature and height we use above. In measurements of ages and speeds we use over.

  • The temperature never rose above 5 degrees Celsius.
  • The building is 800m above sea level.
  • You have to be over 18 to see that film.

Esta apresentação reflete a opinião pessoal do autor sobre o tema, podendo não refletir a posição oficial do Portal Educação.

David Martyn Barclay

por David Martyn Barclay

Meu nome é David e eu sou da Austrália. Eu sou um professor de Inglês no Portal Educação e tenho mais de sete anos de experiência no ensino inglês incluindo presencial e online. Considere o Inglês uma língua muito importante, e eu gosto de ensino do idioma Inglês e vendo as pessoas usam Inglês para melhorar suas vidas.

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