Music to the soul - Winter Winds

Music to the soul
Music to the soul



Hello, my friends! This week I’ll write about love, the most beautiful and confusing feeling human beings have.

The song that will help me in this article will be: Winter Winds. The melody is so soft and the lyrics are simple and tasteful.

Now that I introduced the song I ask you (again) a favor: stop reading, open the file (or search for this song on Youtube), close your eyes, and let the melody surround your soul.

I think we all came one day to a point where we are unfaithful of love. It feels like the severe winter has come, and your hope to find the right person to share your life has gone. I was like this in 2007, and when I started to neglect love, it came like a winter storm (I love cold weather, just to explain this expression ^_^).

When we face some disappointments in the love area, we start to fear a new love, as we are afraid that it will be only a passion, again. It happened with me, when I started to have feelings for the woman that now is my wife.

I was completely in love with her, and I felt like she shared this feeling, but love is scary sometimes. I asked God to clarify my mind and show me if she was the right person, the ONE. And my doubts were trampled by every look of hers, by every lovely act, every demonstration of love.

“And my head told my heart: let love grow. But my heart told my head: this time no, this time no”.

Yeah my friends, when we find the right person, sometimes our head and heart wage a war. It wasn’t my case, as my head and heart were telling me: “she is the right one”.

So I decided to let love conquer my life, and I have no regrets related to that decision. I am living the best years of my life beside my lovely wife, and I am enjoying every single moment to build special memories. We don’t know when God is going to call us to live the eternal life, so I recommend you to accept love and live it fully!

“We’ll be washed and buried one day, my girl. And the time we were given will be left for the world. The flesh that lived and loved will be eaten by plague, so let the memories be good for those who stay”.

If you haven’t met your partner for life yet, don’t worry my friend. At the right time God will introduce you, you just have to keep the faith, and pray for it. By the time, you will know if he/she is the right person and when that happens: let love grows!

So even if it’s a snowy moment for love in your life, be sure that “spring swaps snow for leaves. You will be happy and wholesome again, when the city clears and the sun ascends”.

I wish you all a blessed week! I hope each one have the opportunity to taste the real love, because once you taste it, you won’t need other passions!

Teacher Vini

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Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

UOL CURSOS TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONAL LTDA, com sede na cidade de São Paulo, SP, na Alameda Barão de Limeira, 425, 7º andar - Santa Cecília CEP 01202-001 CNPJ: 17.543.049/0001-93