How do you make a child watch an entire film at the cinema?

How do you make a child watch an entire film at the cinema?
How do you make a child watch an entire film at the cinema?



Most people like watching movies; people like watching movies on TV, on the internet, on DVD and of course at the cinema. The cinema can be expensive so some people prefer to watch movies at home because is it cheaper as they don’t need to spend money on expensive popcorn and drinks but I think if you want to see a movie you really like the best place is still the cinema; but what if you have a child?

I am a parent and went to cinema more frequently before my son was born, and for two years after he was born my wife and I didn’t go. After two years, we thought our son was old enough to watch a movie at the cinema; but how could we make him sit through a movie of one hour and thirty minutes? So, we thought about it and came up with a solution.

The solution

We thought about a film he would like and then about one week before watching the film, played the movie trailer/preview for him over and over again and asked him a couple of days before if he wanted to see the film (he said yes).  In the end we choose an animated film and he watched the entire film, although we had to buy popcorn and a drink for him, but as he had been interested in the preview he could watch it in its entirety.

Some other tips

Take your child to the toilet before the film

Pre-book your tickets or buy the tickets before the session so your child doesn’t get impatient in the line waiting to buy tickets

Go to a session during week as sometimes it is cheaper so if he/she doesn’t like the film you haven’t spent so much money

Some cinemas have seats for children, at least UCI have, that you can put on the seat to make the experience better

If you don’t want to buy food, have something to eat before entering the cinema

The maximum length of a film (to maintain the attention of a child) is one hour and forty minutes but the best is one hour and thirty minutes, in my opinion.

Esta apresentação reflete a opinião pessoal do autor sobre o tema, podendo não refletir a posição oficial do Portal Educação.

David Martyn Barclay

por David Martyn Barclay

Meu nome é David e eu sou da Austrália. Eu sou um professor de Inglês no Portal Educação e tenho mais de sete anos de experiência no ensino inglês incluindo presencial e online. Considere o Inglês uma língua muito importante, e eu gosto de ensino do idioma Inglês e vendo as pessoas usam Inglês para melhorar suas vidas.

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