Music to the soul - The Ca

Music to the soul
Music to the soul



Hello, my friends! This week I will write about a song that baffles me: The Cave, which was the lead song of the album Sigh no More, by Mumford and Sons.

The song received several “Song of the year” awards and it got famous for the intense “sing along” during the festivals that M&S participated.

Now that I introduced the song I ask you (again) a favor: stop reading, open the file (or search for this song on Youtube), close your eyes, and let the melody surround your soul.

After that, search for the lyrics in any website, and follow my description of those lyrics, and what they represent for me.
Have you ever felt your heart so empty that you felt like it was a valley? Well, I did, several times, indeed. And during these periods of time, that we all face, it feels like we are in a harvest of food for our soul.

God allows these moments in our lives, and He hopes we can learn something through this process. Trust me, if in these difficult moments in our lives we are able to trust in God’s will “He won’t let us choke on the noose around our necks”.

Sometimes we don’t understand God’s will immediately, and we question Him about the momentary condition we are placed in. But one thing I learned through all these years: if you trust Him, later you will find out why you passed through each moment of your life.

That’s why I am sure I will always “find strength in pain” and will be able to “change my ways” in order to surpass all this hopeless moments in my life. I know God will call me by name, and show me the right direction to follow. He never fails!

And I will call Him, for sure, “despite my faults and my growing fears”. One thing is true my friends “you can understand dependence when you know the Maker’s hand”. I depend on God, and I am not ashamed of that. In all my decision I know He is there guiding me. God talks to me through crazy wills that I have in my life (I will talk about this later, so don’t miss the other articles ^_^). And the inexplicable aspect is: when I wasn’t a religious person I didn’t feel free at all. I felt like I was ashamed of my personality, my ideas, I lacked courage all the time, etc. Since my eyes opened for God’s guidance I started to feel free and I learned “how to live my life as it’s meant to be”.

Now I am complete different man, I don’t fear the judgment of others and I am constantly happy. I know that after the storms, great days will come!

I wish you all a blessed week! I hope these lyrics can mean something to you guys, and I hope you all to “come out of your caves” to life your lives as they are meant to be!

Teacher Vini

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Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

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