Books or Movies; which one do you prefer?

Books or Movies; which one do you prefer?
Books or Movies; which one do you prefer?



It is common nowadays to make movie adaptions from books like Harry Potter, The lord of the Rings, Twilight just to name a few but which one is better the book or the movie?

Here are some arguments for both sides.


Books have feelings; you can image what the characters look like, imagine important scenes ect.
Books have more time to develop a character
Books give more details, movies always miss something
You can read at your own pace

Reading a book you can stop and look up new words

Important details can be lost when watching the movie adaption

A character in a book can have many different appearances depending on who is reading while in a movie there is only one
A book is seen through your eyes; in a movie you see it through the director’s eyes
Books make you think


Movies brings a book to life, and you can visualize the characters and the scenes

Visual effects

Movies are shorter than books

You can watch movies with your friends while you read a book individually

After watching a movie you can have a discussion with your friends

The movie might make people read the book

Movies help you escape

I like both movies and books but I think it also depends on which you do first; read the book or watch the film for example: I read the books of the Lord or the Rings before watching the movies and although there are details missing from the book I liked both. The movie gives you entertainment, visual effects and the book gives you details, makes you think and you can visualize the characters and scenes in your mind.

I think in conclusion you get attached to what you did first; read the book or watched the movie.

What do you think?

Esta apresentação reflete a opinião pessoal do autor sobre o tema, podendo não refletir a posição oficial do Portal Educação.

David Martyn Barclay

por David Martyn Barclay

Meu nome é David e eu sou da Austrália. Eu sou um professor de Inglês no Portal Educação e tenho mais de sete anos de experiência no ensino inglês incluindo presencial e online. Considere o Inglês uma língua muito importante, e eu gosto de ensino do idioma Inglês e vendo as pessoas usam Inglês para melhorar suas vidas.

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