Music to the soul - Sigh no more

Music to the soul
Music to the soul



Hello, my friends! As I have told you last week, this week I will write about a song that I love: Sigh no More, by Mumford and Sons.

This is the first song of the first album of the band, which I consider my favourite in the current days. This song is inspired in Shakespeare’s play called “Much ado about nothing”, which mix humor and profound meditations about love.

Now that I introduced the song I ask you a favor: stop reading, open the file (or search for this song on Youtube), close your eyes, and let the melody surround your soul.

After that, search for the lyrics in any website, and follow my description of those lyrics, and what they represent for me.
First of all I love this song because it starts narrating a chat with God. In my life that is a constant action. I talk to God as He is my friend, and I am certain that He is. We talk about everything: about work, about my marriage, my studies, and our plans (yeah, I share plans with God). Of course God doesn’t comes from the sky and starts chatting with me, but I know He is listening, and He speaks to in a very odd way (I will tell you how God speaks to me in another article, so keep reading ^_^).

And I talk to God about my mistakes, too. I am a human being, and asking sorry for a mistake is a normal situation for me.

When I treat a student with less attention, when I get lazy to do important things, and the most simple mistakes you can imagine. The important thing is: I always use my mistakes to become a better person, and I promise God to not repeat those again! Sometimes I am able to do it, sometimes it’s difficult, but the deal is: I am always aware of my sins.

Of course there are times where we repeat the sin, or the mistake. It’s completely normal as we are human beings! The point here is to get to know your fails, and try to find a way to overcome those. The way I found to overcome mine is a little bit cliché, but true: love. I am married to the most lovely person I know (yeah, God was really good to me), and living with my wife makes me be more like the man God made me to be.

She completes me, and sharing my dreams with her makes me believe in the beauty of love as it was made to be.

My friend, if you haven’t found the love of your life, I recommend you to do what I did. I got tired of searching for a great woman that could complete me, instead I started to say every day to God: may Your will be done! And He didn’t fail. In His own time He managed to introduce me to the love of my life. And we’ve been together for the past 8 years, of an entire life.

Trust in God, and He will show the love that will not betray you, dismay, or enslave you, instead it will set you free to be more like the man/woman you were made to be!

I wish you all a blessed week! I hope you enjoyed reading about the meaning of “Sigh no more” to me!

Teacher Vini

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Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

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