My learning experience - Part 3

My learning experience
My learning experience



Hello my friends, here I am for the last part of the article: My Learning Experience.

One week now for my ANPAD test, my friends, and I am going to list some tips that helped me surpass all the difficulties during this long three months of study.

Tip 1: Stick to your plan. I understand that there are some days that no matter how much we try, we can’t learn anything. It’s like our brain just freezes and we can’t continue studying. When that day comes, and it will come, try to do something else. But remember, you will have to compensate another day studying even harder!

Tip 2: Have a programmed resting period. Choose a period of the week that you obligate yourself not to study. During this established period just relax and try not to think about your studies or the test.

Tip 3: Drink a lot of water. Water brings tons of benefits to our health, but it’s also important when you are on a studying routine. Drinking water constantly keeps us awake, and gives our brain short periods of rest.

Tip 4:
Be prepared to make some sacrifices. When you have a studying goal, you probably will have to temporarily abandon some of your leisure activities. In my case I had to opt: one week playing Magic The Gathering with my friends, the other week playing soccer, not both.

Tip 5
: Never give up! The most obvious and important tip, my friends. When we study for a long period of time we get tired, my friends. It’s inevitable. It will get to a point where you can’t stare a book anymore, but you will have to, think about everything you will conquer when you achieve your goal!

Well, I hope my learning experience can help someway in yours, and I really hope you don’t give up your dreams!

Until next time my friends! Best wishes and a blessed week!

Teacher Vini

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Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

UOL CURSOS TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONAL LTDA, com sede na cidade de São Paulo, SP, na Alameda Barão de Limeira, 425, 7º andar - Santa Cecília CEP 01202-001 CNPJ: 17.543.049/0001-93