My learning experience - Part 2

My learning experience
My learning experience



Hello my friends, here I am for the second part of the article: My Learning Experience.

So as I was saying in my last article, I got back to my studying routine, and it was very difficult. I will risk making one comparison: getting back to a studying routine is like learning a foreign language.

When you are learning a foreign language, if you stop practicing, you will forget. That is a FACT. So there I was, trying to study after a long time without the practice of study.

The first week was a disaster, my friends. Have this ever happened with you: you read an entire page of a book, and when you get to the end you notice that you didn’t understand a thing? Well, that was my first challenge in this path to become a Master: remember how to focus my attention in one subject. And the only way you can achieve this level of attention is practicing.

The second difficulty I had to face was: being sleepy easily after some hours of study. This is very common for those who get back to the student reality. My technique was very simple: I found my ideal amount of sleeping time. Every person has this, you just have to find yours by testing. Mine is 6 hours, and when I sleep that amount of time I hardly get sleepy the whole day.

Sometimes, though, you will still get sleepy during the day after hours of studying, so what do you do? When that happens with me I simply do something else rather than studying. Watching TV, videos on YouTube, listening to music, anything except for reading.

Last but not least of the difficulties I faced: the loneliness of a student’s life. Since I pass the whole day alone studying, the loneliness is inevitable. What you can do to overcome this trouble is by using the new technology devices that allow us to connect to others instantly: Facebook, WhatSap, Twitter, among others. In my case I also adopted a cat that was passing through difficult times on the streets, and now it’s my partner during the studying routine hehehehehehe.

My final message is related to the word that I intentionally repeated a lot during this article: PRACTICE. You will have to practice a lot if you want to study, so get ready for that, my friend! And remember: don’t give up, stick to your dream!

On the third article I pretend to write more tips for those who want to "Master" their studying time.

Until next time my friends! Best wishes and a blessed week!

Teacher Vini

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Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

UOL CURSOS TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONAL LTDA, com sede na cidade de São Paulo, SP, na Alameda Barão de Limeira, 425, 7º andar - Santa Cecília CEP 01202-001 CNPJ: 17.543.049/0001-93