My learning experience - Part 1

My learning experience
My learning experience



Hello my friends, I am back to write another article!

For the past 2 months I've been studying for the ANPAD test. Getting a good grade in this test is obligatory for those who want to have Masters Degree in the business area. As you probably know, I am a business man, I finished college in 2010. By that time I had the opportunity to attend to the Business Masters in the University that I studied, but my goals were different back then.

I wanted to work, to earn a lot of money, and attending to more two years of classes wasn't a trilling scenario for me. I don't regret my decision; it was very important for me to work and earn some money in order to buy a house and prepare to get married. After five years since I graduated here I am: studying to pass the exam and enroll the Masters.

Since I finished my post-graduation I haven't touched a single book, so it wasn't an easy process to get back to the studies.
The good thing was: I attended my post-graduation classes online. It means I had to organize my routine in order to study on a regular basis. So here's my first tip for those who want to get back in the studying process: plan your time of study and have discipline in order to execute what was planned!

How can I plan my studying routine, teacher? The first thing you have to do is to think about the period of time that you can easily focus on reading. During that period you have to establish how many hours you can (or have to) study.

now it's time to commit to your daily goal and never go to sleep without achieving what was planned.

On the next article I will write about the difficulties I faced in my studying process, and on the third article I pretend to write more tips for those who want to "Master" their studying time.

Until next time my friends! Best wishes and a blessed week!

Esta apresentação reflete a opinião pessoal do autor sobre o tema, podendo não refletir a posição oficial do Portal Educação.

Vinicius Domingues Saito

por Vinicius Domingues Saito

Portal Educação

UOL CURSOS TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONAL LTDA, com sede na cidade de São Paulo, SP, na Alameda Barão de Limeira, 425, 7º andar - Santa Cecília CEP 01202-001 CNPJ: 17.543.049/0001-93