Pharmaceutical Categories

Herbal medicines are also known as natural medicines
Herbal medicines are also known as natural medicines



For questions about common medications, particularly the issue of generic drugs, ANVISA (Agency for Sanitary Surveillance) created a guide classifying different drug types along with its latest resolutions.

They are: Innovative or reference drug, similar drug (copy): is identified with a brand name. Generic drug: is identified by Brazilian nonproprietary Name, manipulated and herbal.

a) Reference or innovative brand
They are typically innovative drugs whose efficacy, safety and quality have been proven scientifically at the time of registration with the Ministry of Health, through the Anvisa. They are drugs that generally are in the market for quite some time and have a known brand name.
These medicines are products of years of research, and generally, their laboratories have discovered the substance and did extensive testing to evaluate safety and efficacy. Along with the cost of branding, the costs of research and development, in general, the more expensive drug reference.

b) Generic
The generic drug is one that contains the same substance (active ingredient) in the same dose, same dosage form, is administered by the same route and with the same therapeutic indication of the reference drug in the country. Proven to be therapeutically equivalent to the original product. And above all, are interchangeable with respect to the reference product, ie, switching to the generic is possible.

c) Similar

The drugs that are similar have the same drug, the same concentration, dosage form, route of administration, dosage, indication and quality of the reference product, but are not interchangeable with it. Are identified by a name brand and are also not interchangeable with the generic and vice versa.

e) Herbal medicines
Also known as natural medicines. Medicinal plants are those that have a tradition of use in a population or community and are able to relieve symptoms or even prevent or cure disease. Being processed to obtain a product, has resulted in the herbal medicine.
Herbal medicine is an extraction of the raw vegetable.

The following are not considered herbal medicines:
•Parts of plants such as leaves, dust, macerated,

*Source: National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA 2008)

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