Producing natural gas - energy industry

The main material of natural gas is methane
The main material of natural gas is methane



Where natural gas come from?
Natural gas has the same origin as oil. Millions of years ago, plants and animals let remains decay and it built up in thick layers. This material from decay is called organic material. After a certain period of time, sand and silt changed into rocks, all covered of this organic material.

With heating and pressure some of this organism changed to coal, others into oil and some into natural gas.

Geologists are people who study the structure and the process of the Earth. Responsible for localizing the types of rocks which can contain gas and oil deposits, scientists and engineers are called to explore a chosen area by studying rock samples. If the area seems promising, drilling starts.

The main material of natural gas is methane. Other materials such as propane and butane can be separated and have different utilities.

When natural gas is found, it is moved by pipelines from producing fields to consumers.

When it arrives at communities, it flows into smaller pipelines called mains which are small lines, called services, connecting to the mains and go directly to homes or buildings where it is used.

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