Pilot - Civil Aviation

To conduct flight instruments requires a specific license
To conduct flight instruments requires a specific license



The pilot has the most coveted status drawing the attention to both the young as well as to older persons. Many magazines and sites on professions do not clearly post the tremendous responsibility of becoming a commercial pilot. The following are a sample of the many courses required to become part of civil aviation as a pilot.
• Private Pilot Course;
• Commercial Pilot Course;
• Course Airline Transport Pilot;
• School of Aeronautical Sciences.

The commercial pilot, unlike the pilot, can now fly for pay. To become a commercial pilot, the pilot needs to fly about 150 hours as PP, in order to obtain the commercial pilot certificate. In Brazil, this certificate is awarded by the National Agency of Civil Aviation.

The commercial pilot certificate allows daytime flights as long as in good visual flight conditions. To conduct night flights, one must have received dual instruction in night flight control, including takeoffs, landings and navigation. To conduct flight instruments requires a specific license. Being a commercial pilot is an intermediate step to becoming an airline pilot.


Ensures the safety of passengers and crew members
Performs takeoffs and landings
Requires medical examination every year
Attends training in air traffic regulations, technical equipment (the study of aircraft systems that fly), fire fighting, first aid, hazardous materials
Receives and follows guidance from the control tower

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