Accommodations - Hotels and Inns

Small lodging establishments offer overnight accommodation and breakfast
Small lodging establishments offer overnight accommodation and breakfast



Who has not stayed in a hotel or an inn? All travelers have already stayed in one or another. These accommodations are for those who have to be in a different place other than their origin and do not have a place to stay. There are different terminologies for different kinds of accommodations which may differ from country to country, therefore, when travelling, pay attention to the context you are in. For general purposes we will use North American definitions.

Hotels are considered a more expensive option of lodging. They are found in every city with different categories (5 stars, 3 stars etc.) and often offer room service, restaurants, parking, a lobby (reception) and laundry services. Upon arrival, a hotel clerk (receptionist) will help you check in and fill out your registration form. Larger hotel chains may also offer an online reservation or booking system.

Inns have a cozier ambience to them and are more home-like offering almost everything a hotel does. The difference is that they are less expensive and some of their services are optional at an additional fee or not included. Most inns do not have a luxurious appearance but are very well portrayed.

Motels are another less expensive option for those who do not want to pay the fees of a hotel or inn. Contrary to many concepts motels are safe places to stay with your family or traveling companions. They also have a reception, clerk and parking lot; however, not all of them offer room service, laundry and other amenities hotels offer. Less expensive there are less services while maintaining quality and safety. For additional fees some offer breakfast and laundry service. Many offer a booking system over the internet or via telephone.

Guest houses are usually for family purposes and not business. They can accommodate large families or groups that are traveling together and cannot afford hotels, inns or motels. Guest houses lack most of the services offered by other lodging options and do not have full-time staff and tend to be owner managed due to their size. Most guest houses have a motel-like appearance, but some of them are private homes that have been renovated to accommodate travelers.

Finally there are bed & breakfast lodgings. These small lodging establishments offer overnight accommodation and breakfast, but usually not offer additional meals. Typically, bed and breakfasts are private homes with fewer than 10 bedrooms available for commercial use. Generally, guests are accommodated in private bedrooms without bathrooms, or in suites including them. Some homes have private bedrooms while the bathroom is shared with other guests. Breakfast can be served in the bedroom, a dining room, or even in the host's kitchen.

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